Fr. Chiramel received a special invitation from the government of the United Arab Emirates to participate in an international conference hosted at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi. During this conference, Fr. Davis delivered a compelling speech that garnered high praise and recognition from attendees and organizers alike. His insightful and impactful presentation resonated with the audience, highlighting the significance of organ donation and the mission of Green Life.

In the wake of this successful conference, the Green Life team, under Fr. Chiramel’s leadership, was invited to extend their efforts in the United Arab Emirates. This collaboration paved the way for a series of organ donation awareness campaigns scheduled for the year 2024. These campaigns encompassed various aspects of raising awareness, engaging with the community, and encouraging organ donation.

One of the notable activities conducted by Green Life in the UAE involved organizing testimonials in different ministries and churches. These testimonials featured individuals who had personal experiences with organ donation, sharing their stories and emphasizing the life-saving impact of this selfless act. Such personal narratives are powerful tools for inspiring others to consider becoming registered organ donors.

Green Life also actively collaborated with local media outlets in the UAE to amplify their message. This included radio awareness campaigns and interviews with the media to reach a broader audience. These efforts proved highly effective in not only increasing the number of registered organ donors but also in educating the public about the importance of organ donation.

Furthermore, Green Life presented a range of campaign ideas to the government, offering diverse approaches to organ donation awareness and engagement. This collaborative approach demonstrated Fr. Chiramel’s commitment to tailoring campaigns to the specific needs and preferences of the local community.

Fr. Chiramel’s involvement in the United Arab Emirates, along with the Green Life team’s initiatives, has made significant strides in promoting organ donation in the region. Their combined efforts have contributed to building a more informed and compassionate society, ultimately working toward saving lives through the selfless act of organ donation.